They have been thrown under the bus by the CRTC pending an appeal still on air. Who know what is going on but at the very least they should be responding to people. That said try calling CBC funded with our tax dollars they could care less about answering the phone.
16. August 2015 17:58 GMT
I happened upon this station accidentally and absolutely loved it. I hope it lives a long life. The Canadian song choices were songs by Canadians I love, that don't always get the credit they deserve, or national success.
I'll be recommending it to everyone.
3. April 2014 17:17 GMT
I love this station to listen to at work, my only problem is l cannot get a list of what songs are playing, name of songs and artist to buy CD, very frustrating.
Otherwise keep up the good work. Kathie
6. Juni 2012 18:26 GMT
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