Gardie Santos
It wasn't until me and my wife had a holiday in the Philippines. from Dec 5 to 28, 2015. I was scanning and searching for a station to listen to until I reached 96.3 and from thereon enjoyed every minute of the songs played, especially that Dec 5 Friday night. Oh I do love the 80's as I was from that era of music and the cover band I currently play with is an 80's cover band called "SOUNDSTRUCK Band".. Well, what can I say to you DWRK, keep on playing all these hits. Now I am back in Melbourne and makes sure that I am tuned-in to my most favourite music station Easy Rock DWRK 96.3, more power to you..luv 'yah guyzzz!!!
Gardie Santos
11. Januar 2015 10:47 GMT