Good to see Hoedspruit FM's online player is working again on streema finally. Thank God for being able to listen to Hoedspruit FM's Gospel music programs on Sundays online on streema finally.
18. September 2023 12:52 GMT
Just want to say I hope that Hoedspruit FM's online player on Streema is going to work again one of these days.
7. August 2023 18:03 GMT
Ek is baie bly om te sien dat Hoedspruit FM se aanlyn speler nou uiteindelik in werking is. Ek het op Hoedspruit FM se webblad probeer kyk of daar inligting is oor op watter tye ek Gospel musiek kan verwag maar die skudule is nog nie voledig nie. As 'n groot liefheber van Afrikaanse sowel as internasionale Gospel musiek stel ek al lank belang om te weet op watter tye van die week ek Afrikaanse asook Engelse Gospel musiek op Hoedspruit FM kan verwag. Ek hou duim vas dat julle program skudule sommer binnekort voledig gaan wees. Alles van die beste met Hoedspruit FM se aanlyn uitsending en God seën.
15. Februar 2017 17:40 GMT
Is there any links where you can listen to Hoedspruit FM threw live streaming? I have tried the link on the Hoedspruit FM website a couple of times, but it plays LM Radio on Hoedspruit FM's online player. Can you please try to fix it as soon as possible so that we can be able to listen to Hoedspruit FM online? Thank you for your time and God bless.
21. Dezember 2016 12:25 GMT
Does Hoedspruit FM play Gospel Music? I have tried to check on the program schedule on Hoedspruit FM's website, but the link towards your program schedule is not working. I am a big fan of SA and international Christian music. Can you please add for us a program schedule on Hoedspruit FM's website? All of the best for Hoedspruit FM and God bless.
1. Dezember 2016 18:47 GMT
I just want to say I really hope that we will be able to listen to Hoedspruit FM via live streaming one of these days and God bless Hoedspruit FM from Gauteng.
22. September 2016 19:42 GMT
Der Stream scheint nicht zu funktionieren.
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