I am loving this station. What I like about it is the fact that it is playing all styles of jazz music from so many fantastic jazz artists I don't hear anywhere else. I ave locked it on my phone too, guys.
4. Juli 2013 19:01 GMT
Nice station. Good mix. Real chill music. Wasn't a jazz fan, but I guess I am now. Like everybody else, I've locked it in on my phnoe.
13. März 2013 07:13 GMT
Very cool station! I totally enjoyed listening to the music. I just tuned in, sat back, and relaxed. I have it locked on my Android!
4. Februar 2013 04:20 GMT
A friend suggested this station, and I am glad he did. I am listening now, and am not bored. The station is on auto-pilot...
21. Oktober 2012 20:05 GMT
I agree with GMT. This station has it going on! The music is tight. I like getting the sound of old and new jazz blended together.
21. Oktober 2012 20:02 GMT
Love the eclectic mix of jazz on this station.It's nice when you can hear a good jazz standard, and then a vibrating smooth jazz piece the very next minute.
21. Juni 2012 00:14 GMT
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